Lim Khim Katy was born in 1980, and he is a young contemporary artist, prominent in the Vietnamese painting world. In 2009, She received a Master of Arts degree from Ho Chi Minh City University of Fine Arts. Katy’s oil paintings often have unique colours, strange views, and a break in layout – a unique blend of many styles: realistic, expression and surrealism.

“I find myself looking into the eyes of the people in my paintings. “

Lim Khim Katy’s inspiration often comes from poor workers. She recreated the austere lives, missed opportunities in society by flying colours instead of brushes, Creating a pen when it’s sweet when the angle tendons when breaking the boundary between the image and the background with solid white patches, outstanding—shaking the viewer’s illusion of space.

From 12.12.2020 – 10.01.2021, Lim Khim Katy’s first landscape painting exhibition in Vietnam – Tree Spirit. Organized at the space of VY Gallery

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